Saturday, March 15, 2008

Change is in the Air

Water temperatures...Duck Pier 51 degrees, Oregon Inlet (the inlet at the north end of Hatteras Island) 59 degrees. An explosive looking low pressure system is coiling up like an apostrophe just inland from our coast right now. Light rain, lightning, and thunder own the night sky outside. This storm just wreaked havoc down in Georgia and maybe we're next. Tornado Watch all along the coast. Change is in the air. Expecting possible gale force wind from the northeast later tonight.

Some houses in Kitty Hawk and South Nags Head are perched on pilings over the hard pack sand within the high tide's reach on a normal day. Once again some will be gone by the time summer arrives. This is life on a sand barrier island---a grudging, grinding slow attrition of all that is man made. Some plan on this constant process, some don't. Some adapt to it, some rail and whine. The process is bigger and older than us all.

New sandbars will be shaped in new places or places where we surfed long ago as the tide lines slowly shove us all west with all our opinions and ideas and politics as to "what to do about it". This is far and away the most dynamic place I've ever lived. It's changing face is the most constant thing we possess but can never wholly own.

Hopin' for offshore wind tomorrow night or Monday morning and the possible kickback northeast swell. Open long lefts baby, yeah. We'll see.


Mick said...

Thanks for the comment Skip. FYI the water temp is 19C and today is a stinking hot 39C, so in your lingo that'd be around 68 water and around 105 air. Not you normal early autumn.

13th is a pretty mega beach about 15 minutes east of Bells, near a little town called Barwon Heads.

take care.

Strayhorn said...

It's still full suit weather, no matter what you say.